Friday, April 12
4:30 pm
Participant check-in
5:00 pm
Dinner: Fajita Bar from Caliente Mexican Grill
5:50 pm
Musical intro: "Wading Indecision", live saxophone performance by Leo Major
6:00 pm
Welcome address
6:20 pm
Keynote address: Bella Noka, Narragansett Tribal Elder
7:00 pm
Reflections on COP28, Priyanka Mahat
7:10 pm
Acknowledging the Stuckness: Negotiation Skills I with Anselm Dannecker (Harvard Kennedy School)
8:05 pm
Welcome into the experimentation, Jacqueline Gallant (NYU MOTH Project)​
Saturday, April 13
8:30 am
Breakfast: Bagel bar and welcome for a day of creative work toward a Treaty of All Life
9:00 am
Movement Workshop led by Kate Schapira, Camila Murillo, and Atharva Nihalani
9:45 am
Representation Workshop led by Allison Clark and Alice Plane
11:45 pm
Lunch: Build-Your-Own Falafel Wrap from Eastside Pockets
1:00 pm
Generative Listening Workshop (Negotiation Skills II) led by Brooke Suter (MIT Theory U & ClimateWise)
2:00 pm
Reverse Negotiations Workshop led by Fanny Vavrovsky and Joseph O'Brien​​​
3:00 pm
Closing announcements and reflections​​
Sunday, April 14
8:30 am
Breakfast: Bagel bar
9:00 am
Conference organizers present their draft proposal for a Treaty of the Earth​
10:00 am
Open forum on the Treaty of the Earth​
11:00 am
12:00 pm
Celebrations: Dance show by Fusion Dance Company, linocut workshop, music, pizza​